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Student Accommodation and Schools

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As there is generally a new influx of students every year to a student accommodation facility, they have to stay looking their best. It’s expensive for university to completely redecorate each facility every summer but the general wear and tear they face over the course of the term can leave them with shabby looking interior design.

Yeoman Shield can provide protective products to keep student accommodation interior design looking fresh for each new set of students. Our door protection is fire rated so you can ensure the safety of the pupils in case of an emergency. Protective products such as wall protection sheets are available in a range of different colours and can be printed with imagery, so your student accommodation can be welcoming to new students.

Contact us today on 0113 279 5854 to find out more about our protective products for schools and student accommodation facilities, or browse our products on our website.


From reception classes right the way up to sixth form facilities, school buildings can be subjected to a lot of damage from students. Whether it’s running down the corridors or leaning chairs against walls, scuffs, cracks and dirt can accumulate quickly. Maintenance budgets can be tight, so most schools can’t afford to redecorate and repair walls and doors every term - because of this, student accommodation interior design can often fall into disrepair.

Protective products from Yeoman Shield are the answer. Protective sheets on doors and walls will shield them from any damage caused by passing students. Wall protection rails are a great solution for classrooms, where desks and chairs are constantly bumping and scraping against the walls. Not only does this keep your school looking presentable, but it also keeps it safe for students.

Contact us today on 0113 279 5854 to find out more about our protective products for schools and student accommodation facilities, or browse our products on our website.