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FIRAS Fire Door Services from Harrison Thompson

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Harrison Thompson & Co. Ltd, manufacturers of Yeoman Shield wall & door protection products, are now a FIRAS company member. 

FIRAS is a third-party certification scheme for fire protection systems. It certifies that the company in question adheres to fire safety best practice guidelines in the application of passive fire-resistant products.

The function of a fire door is to slow the spread of smoke and flame, containing the fire and reducing the risk of harm to those in the building.

It’s important for fire doors to be protected from the issues caused by impact damage which could compromise their functionality and subsequently compromise the safety of the building and the people inside it.

The nominated responsible person for a building, (Owner, Landlord, FM Manager etc.), has a duty to keep their fire doors in safe, working order. Continual damage to fire doors by day to day wear and tear can be costly to repair on a regular basis. By investing in door protection installed by a FIRAS certified company, facility managers can be assured that the doors are kept in working condition, adhering to fire safety best practice.

Yeoman Shield’s range of fire rated door protection products include door edge protectors, protection panels and Picul clad glazing beads. Our directly employed operatives are also fully trained in installing these products to ensure they adhere to FIRAS guidelines. We are audited on a regular basis to ensure the continuity of our high standards of fire door best practice.

For more information email us on sallyann@yeomanshield.com or alternatively call 0113 279 5854
