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Pinderfields Hospital keep lifecycles on track with Yeoman Shield

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As part of their lifecycle programme, Engie in conjunction with Consort Healthcare and Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust engaged with Yeoman Shield to provide a solution to the continual damage being caused to door frames throughout the Pinderfields Hospital.

– The continual repair of which was proving to be a drain on the maintenance budgets.

Door frames are inevitably vulnerable to wear and tear caused by the everyday activity on a busy site, being especially prone to damage from wheelchairs, trolleys and mobile equipment.

When damaged the door frames not only look unattractive, detracting from the clean and pristine environment that The Pinderfields facilities management team work hard to maintain, but splinters, dents and crevices caused as a result of the damage, make the frame work hard to clean leading to a potential build-up of dirt and bacteria.

Michael Kenward, Engie Capital Works Co-ordinator at Pinderfields Hospital commented “We have in the region of 3000 door frames on site and a long term alternative to the perpetual and costly refurbishment of the timber frames was required. Having worked with Yeoman Shield on previous wall & door protection projects, we contacted them for a solution.”

After a survey carried out by a Yeoman Shield Area Sales Manager Steve Hawke, a bespoke product was decided upon.

Post formed Yeoman Shield angles, to the required dimensions, were fabricated from 2.0mm thick FalmouthEx material, for fitting to the existing timber door jambs.

Where necessary a timber infill piece was manufactured to fill any gaps between the frame and angle so providing extra support to the internal angle.

Supplied in Dusty Grey to complement the existing décor, the formed angle protectors were installed at 1250mm high by Yeoman Shield’s directly employed fixing operatives.

“We are very pleased with the quality of products and the installation carried out by the Yeoman Shield operatives who were mindful of the environment they were working in.

“Now in place the frame protectors will reduce our repair and maintenance outgoings whilst having a positive effect on the lifecycle of the building.” Concluded Mr Kenward.

For more information on Yeoman Shield’s cost saving wall & door protection products go to www.yeomanshield.com or call 0113 279 5854.